AIYEP 2022 has officially concluded
Oleh Admin | Kamis, 15 Desember 2022 04:27 | 1290 kali
Press Release
For the third time, Travelxism has been chosen as one of the hosts for the 2022 Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (AIYEP)’s participants. AIYEP is an exchange program that aims to provide opportunities for youth from both countries through social, professional, and cultural exchange.
This year, Travelxism welcomed Yohanes A. and Darcey Griffith, two AIYEP participants from Australia, to experience being an intern in an Indonesian sustainable tourism-based start-up. Yohanes and Darcey will have been finishing their internship program for two weeks by the time the AIYEP’s closing is held.
Yohanes and Darcey have perfectly done one of their jobs as hosts in a project named Travelxism’s Live Virtual Tour in Australia, within the theme "Enjoying the Beauty of Melbourne and Sydney with Native Speakers."
Gilang Fauzi Ahmad Fauzi, Founder and CEO of Travelxism, gave a speech that shows how grateful we were to be chosen as a host. Travelxism realized how this program is an amazing way to strengthen the bond between both countries. AIYEPs have the potential to be life-changing experiences for everyone involved.
Thank you so much to the Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (AIYEP) and Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga RI (Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia) for the opportunity.
And, thank you so much, Yohannes and Darcey, for spending two weeks at Travelxism. We hope this experience can help you both fly higher.
Ashila Chayapatha Dzikra | STIP Travelxism Batch 3 | Universitas Gadjah Mada
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